HP Regenerálódás
A Ragna.ro Wiki wikiből
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Raven (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2011. augusztus 23., 06:07-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (Új oldal, tartalma: „{{Articles Needing DB Links}} == General == HP recovery happens every 3 seconds while sitting and every 6 seconds while standing. Characters with [[HP Recovery While Movin…”)
Sablon:Articles Needing DB Links
HP recovery happens every 3 seconds while sitting and every 6 seconds while standing. Characters with HP Recovery While Moving also regen HP every 12 seconds while walking.
See also: Increase HP Recovery, Spiritual Cadence, Song of Lutie
var HPR = Math.max( 1, Math.floor(MAX_HP / 200) ); HPR += Math.floor( VIT / 5 ); HPR = Math.floor( HPR * (1 + HPR_MOD * 0.01) );
HPR_MOD : Sum of modifiers
Base value of 1 per 200 HP, minimum 1. Then +1 for every 5 VIT. Finally increase by modifiers.
- Muka Card: +10%
- Zombie Card: +20%
- Wooden Golem Card: +30%
- Arc Angeling Card: +100%
- Ghostring Card: -25%
- Succubus card: -20% without combo/+10% with
- Magistrate Hat [1]: +3% if equipped by Taekwon class character