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A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Raven (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2011. augusztus 22., 18:32-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.


DEF (defense) protects against physical attacks. Physical attacks are generally attacks based wholly or partially on ATK. However, there are exceptions.

The descriptions used here refer to hard and soft DEF. These names are used for clarity. The vast majority of players do not use these terms in general conversation, and instead refer Armor Def (hard) and Vit Def (soft). Hard DEF works as a percentage reduction. Soft DEF is a subtractive reduction.

Hard DEF

Hard defense, also known as "armor" or "equipment" defense reduces incoming physical damage multiplicatively

(Damage after hard DEF) = (Damage before hard DEF)*(600/(600+def))

For example, a player with a 300 def will have incoming damage reduced by 1/3rd, and a player with 600 defense will have incoming damage reduced by half.

Defense has a base value of 0, and is increased by gear, skills, and items.

Additive Bonuses

Multiplicative Bonuses

Soft DEF

Soft DEF is primarily based on the VIT attribute.

  BonusA = sum of additive bonuses
  BonusB = sum of multiplicative bonuses
  Vit-based DEF = [VIT / 2] + max([VIT * 0.3], [VIT ^ 2 / 150] - 1)
  Total Def = [(VitDEF + BonusA) * (1 + BonusB / 100)]

At less than 50 VIT, every 10 points of VIT gives 8 soft DEF points. As VIT increases further, each point gives a larger bonus to DEF.

VIT 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Soft DEF 8 16 24 32 40 53 66 81 98 115 134 155 176 199 224

Additive Modifiers

Divine Protection: +3 per level

Multiplicative Modifiers

Angelus: +5% per level

Bypassing DEF

The skills and weapons below are known to either bypass DEF, or have a reversed effect, thus increasing damage from the amount it.





Skills that work with the above weapons include:

DEF Reversal

In special conditions, such as for the Ice Pick weapon and Occult Impaction skill, the DEF formula is reversed.

In this special case of reversed DEF, the damage multiplier is found by (Hard DEF + Soft DEF)/100. For example, against a 5+15 DEF target, a normal 200 ATK weapon would only deal 175 damage; an Ice Pick on a character with 200 ATK, would do 40 damage. Conversely, against a 50+90 DEF target, the weapons would do 10 and 280 damage respectively.

See Also