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api-help-authmanager-general-usage (vitalap) (Fordítás) | The general procedure to use this module is: # Fetch the fields available from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$4</kbd>, and a <kbd>$5</kbd> token from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+tokens|action=query&meta=tokens]]</kbd>. # Present the fields to the user, and obtain their submission. # Post to this module, supplying <var>$1returnurl</var> and any relevant fields. # Check the <samp>status</samp> in the response. #* If you received <samp>PASS</samp> or <samp>FAIL</samp>, you're done. The operation either succeeded or it didn't. #* If you received <samp>UI</samp>, present the new fields to the user and obtain their submission. Then post to this module with <var>$1continue</var> and the relevant fields set, and repeat step 4. #* If you received <samp>REDIRECT</samp>, direct the user to the <samp>redirecttarget</samp> and wait for the return to <var>$1returnurl</var>. Then post to this module with <var>$1continue</var> and any fields passed to the return URL, and repeat step 4. #* If you received <samp>RESTART</samp>, that means the authentication worked but we don't have a linked user account. You might treat this as <samp>UI</samp> or as <samp>FAIL</samp>. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-additional-params (vitalap) (Fordítás) | This module accepts additional parameters depending on the available authentication requests. Use <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd> (or a previous response from this module, if applicable) to determine the requests available and the fields that they use. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-continue (vitalap) (Fordítás) | This request is a continuation after an earlier <samp>UI</samp> or <samp>REDIRECT</samp> response. Either this or <var>$1returnurl</var> is required. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-mergerequestfields (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Merge field information for all authentication requests into one array. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-messageformat (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Format to use for returning messages. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-preservestate (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Preserve state from a previous failed login attempt, if possible. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-request (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Use this authentication request, by the <samp>id</samp> returned from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd>. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-requests (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Only use these authentication requests, by the <samp>id</samp> returned from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+authmanagerinfo|action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo]]</kbd> with <kbd>amirequestsfor=$1</kbd> or from a previous response from this module. |
api-help-authmanagerhelper-returnurl (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Return URL for third-party authentication flows, must be absolute. Either this or <var>$1continue</var> is required. Upon receiving a <samp>REDIRECT</samp> response, you will typically open a browser or web view to the specified <samp>redirecttarget</samp> URL for a third-party authentication flow. When that completes, the third party will send the browser or web view to this URL. You should extract any query or POST parameters from the URL and pass them as a <var>$1continue</var> request to this API module. |
api-help-datatypes (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Input to MediaWiki should be NFC-normalized UTF-8. MediaWiki may attempt to convert other input, but this may cause some operations (such as [[Special:ApiHelp/edit|edits]] with MD5 checks) to fail. Some parameter types in API requests need further explanation: ;boolean :Boolean parameters work like HTML checkboxes: if the parameter is specified, regardless of value, it is considered true. For a false value, omit the parameter entirely. ;timestamp :Timestamps may be specified in several formats. ISO 8601 date and time is recommended. All times are in UTC, any included timezone is ignored. :* ISO 8601 date and time, <kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var>T<var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var>Z</kbd> (punctuation and <kbd>Z</kbd> are optional) :* ISO 8601 date and time with (ignored) fractional seconds, <kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var>T<var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var>.<var>00001</var>Z</kbd> (dashes, colons, and <kbd>Z</kbd> are optional) :* MediaWiki format, <kbd><var>2001</var><var>01</var><var>15</var><var>14</var><var>56</var><var>00</var></kbd> :* Generic numeric format, <kbd><var>2001</var>-<var>01</var>-<var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> (optional timezone of <kbd>GMT</kbd>, <kbd>+<var>##</var></kbd>, or <kbd>-<var>##</var></kbd> is ignored) :* EXIF format, <kbd><var>2001</var>:<var>01</var>:<var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :*RFC 2822 format (timezone may be omitted), <kbd><var>Mon</var>, <var>15</var> <var>Jan</var> <var>2001</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :* RFC 850 format (timezone may be omitted), <kbd><var>Monday</var>, <var>15</var>-<var>Jan</var>-<var>2001</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var></kbd> :* C ctime format, <kbd><var>Mon</var> <var>Jan</var> <var>15</var> <var>14</var>:<var>56</var>:<var>00</var> <var>2001</var></kbd> :* Seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z as a 1 to 13 digit integer (excluding <kbd>0</kbd>) :* The string <kbd>now</kbd> ;alternative multiple-value separator :Parameters that take multiple values are normally submitted with the values separated using the pipe character, e.g. <kbd>param=value1|value2</kbd> or <kbd>param=value1%7Cvalue2</kbd>. If a value must contain the pipe character, use U+001F (Unit Separator) as the separator ''and'' prefix the value with U+001F, e.g. <kbd>param=%1Fvalue1%1Fvalue2</kbd>. |
api-help-datatypes-header (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Adattípusok |
api-help-examples (vitalap) (Fordítás) | {{PLURAL:$1|Example|Examples}}: |
api-help-fallback-description (vitalap) (Fordítás) | $1 |
api-help-fallback-example (vitalap) (Fordítás) | $1 |
api-help-fallback-parameter (vitalap) (Fordítás) | $1 |
api-help-flag-deprecated (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Ez a modul elavult. |
api-help-flag-generator (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Ez a modul használható generátorként. |
api-help-flag-internal (vitalap) (Fordítás) | <strong>Ez a modul belső használatú vagy nem stabil.</strong> A működése értesítés nélkül változhat. |
api-help-flag-mustbeposted (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Ez a modul csak POST kéréseket fogad el. |
api-help-flag-readrights (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Ez a modul olvasási jogot igényel. |
api-help-flag-writerights (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Ez a modul írási jogot igényel. |
api-help-flags (vitalap) (Fordítás) | |
api-help-help-urls (vitalap) (Fordítás) | |
api-help-lead (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Ez egy automatikusan generált MediaWiki API-dokumentációs lap. Dokumentáció és példák: |
api-help-license (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Licenc: [[$1|$2]] |
api-help-license-noname (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Licenc: [[$1|Lásd a linken]] |
api-help-license-unknown (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Licenc: <span class="apihelp-unknown">ismeretlen</span> |
api-help-main-header (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Fő modul |
api-help-open-in-apisandbox (vitalap) (Fordítás) | <small>[open in sandbox]</small> |
api-help-param-continue (vitalap) (Fordítás) | When more results are available, use this to continue. |
api-help-param-default (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Default: $1 |
api-help-param-default-empty (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Default: <span class="apihelp-empty">(empty)</span> |
api-help-param-deprecated (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Elavult. |
api-help-param-direction (vitalap) (Fordítás) | In which direction to enumerate: ;newer:List oldest first. Note: $1start has to be before $1end. ;older:List newest first (default). Note: $1start has to be later than $1end. |
api-help-param-disabled-in-miser-mode (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Disabled due to [[mw:Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser mode]]. |
api-help-param-integer-max (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Az {{PLURAL:$1|1=érték nem lehet nagyobb|2=értékek nem lehetnek nagyobbak}} mint $3. |
api-help-param-integer-min (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Az {{PLURAL:$1|1=érték nem lehet kisebb|2=értékek nem lehetnek kisebbek}} mint $2. |
api-help-param-integer-minmax (vitalap) (Fordítás) | {{PLURAL:$1|1=Az értéknek $2 és $3 között kell lennie.|2=Az értékeknek $2 és $3 között kell lenniük.}} |
api-help-param-limit (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Nem engedélyezett több mint $1. |
api-help-param-limit2 (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Nem engedélyezett több mint $1 (botoknak $2). |
api-help-param-limited-in-miser-mode (vitalap) (Fordítás) | <strong>Note:</strong> Due to [[mw:Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser mode]], using this may result in fewer than <var>$1limit</var> results returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned. |
api-help-param-list (vitalap) (Fordítás) | {{PLURAL:$1|1=A következő értékek egyike|2=Értékek (elválasztó: <kbd>{{!}}</kbd>)}}: $2 |
api-help-param-list-can-be-empty (vitalap) (Fordítás) | {{PLURAL:$1|0=Üresnek kell lennie|Lehet üres vagy $2}} |
api-help-param-multi-max (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Maximum number of values is {{PLURAL:$1|$1}} ({{PLURAL:$2|$2}} for bots). |
api-help-param-multi-separate (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Separate values with <kbd>|</kbd> or [[Special:ApiHelp/main#main/datatypes|alternative]]. |
api-help-param-no-description (vitalap) (Fordítás) | <span class="apihelp-empty">(no description)</span> |
api-help-param-required (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Ez a paraméter kötelező. |
api-help-param-token (vitalap) (Fordítás) | A "$1" token retrieved from [[Special:ApiHelp/query+tokens|action=query&meta=tokens]] |
api-help-param-token-webui (vitalap) (Fordítás) | For compatibility, the token used in the web UI is also accepted. |
api-help-param-type-boolean (vitalap) (Fordítás) | Típus: logikai ([[Special:ApiHelp/main#main/datatypes|részletek]]) |
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